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Young Adults Football Training


Amount Awarded
Number of Beneficiaries


Main Aims
To help young adults transition and integrate into the community when they end their stay at the center for children, by supporting further education or vocational skills training to prepare them and by providing ongoing support through a program of workshops and a financial contribution to living expenses.

Workshops included classes on health topics, nutrition and cooking, money management, career options and communication skills.


Each young adult benefitted from a specific training program created for them and considering their current education and needs. For those who wished to continue studying, they were supported in both Khmer and English studies. Part time work placements were found for some while others were enrolled in a specific vocational training course.


We are extremely proud of all our young adults who have successfully graduated from the young adult program, many of whom are working in professions of their choosing and raising young families of their own.


Our graduates include IT specialists, HR officers, English teachers, cycling tour guides, dental nurses, healthcare workers, chefs, football coaches and swimming instructors. 
Sangkheum's ground-breaking work on “Family First” and not institutional care has enabled many of the children at Sangkheum to be transitioned back to family members, fully supported with a social work team and funding.
Our successful young adult program has been shared with and replicated at other orphanages and children organisations to enable young adults to make better life choices.
The “Family First” care program and young adult program has also been at the forefront of change in Cambodian wide care initiatives, leading to worldwide recognition that orphanages, despite the best intentions, are not the best solution for children.

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Life Skills Students


Amount Awarded

Number of Beneficiaries

143 students

Main Aims
To devise a curriculum for rural students covering daily life skills training alongside English and computer lessons, as well as cultural and work place visits.


To enable students to:

• Understand important personal and social issues

• Learn about different career opportunities and to be provided with work experience options

• Find vocational training schemes or jobs together with professional help

• Become responsible and self- confident citizens


Successfully employed and paid the full- time salary of a Life Skill Trainer to initially set up the program in liaison with Sangkheum staff and HOPE.


The successful graduation of over 5 in-takes, an average of 28 students per year many of whom are in good jobs and providing support for a family of their own.


To continue supporting Salariin Kampuchea directly DONATE HERE

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Trustees, Tanya and Jo, with TLC Interns 


Amount Awarded

Number of Beneficiaries

Directly 7 TLC Interns.
Indirectly hundreds of youths trapped in the Cambodian justice system.


Main Aims 
To fund the two year internships of young adults from the rural countryside to work at the TLC office, gaining invaluable work experience, whilst also attending university. The grant contributes to university fees, wages and living expenses.
In addition, the interns visit their home villages every week and offer advice and support to youngsters in all areas of life. They liaise with teachers to monitor progress and identify any problems within the community that TLC can assist with.


TLC is also providing children in prison with skills-based training in Motor Mechanics and Electronic Repairs.  The education program includes life skills and personal development, as well as one on one support in a holistic approach to education addressing the stressful prison environment as an education setting.



Many of the successful graduates now
work full-time at TLC in a capacity that suits their strengths. Some have moved on with the experience they have gained and are working in similar environments.


There has been a marked improvement in re-offending rates and the programme has been extended further by opening a small repair shop in Siem Reap as a source of employment when the youths leave prison.


Having supported TLC in the early days from 2008, we are extremely proud of their continuous improvements, dedication and awards. Especially, in the ground-breaking work in supporting children in prisons and raising awareness of a key issue in Cambodia, domestic abuse.


To continue  supporting TLC directly  DONATE HERE

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Social Work Training


Amount Awarded


Number of Beneficiaries

19 participants from Siem Reap, Poipet, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville including 16 care workers from 5 HOPE supported organisations.


Main Aims

Capacity building providing the first professional social work training course in Siem Reap in one week blocks over a period of 10 months. 



Successful implementation of training to 19 care workers.


HOPE's funding also contributed to set up costs to open an office in Siem Reap to provide ongoing training for care workers as well as establishing a valuable support network for them.


To continue supporting First Step Cambodia directly DONATE HERE

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Anjali Young dults with Trustees, Tanya and Jo


Amount Awarded
Number of Beneficiaries
Directly supported 7 young adults living together in a transition house with further support through vocational training.
Many more also attended the young adult program workshops
Main Aims
To provide funds to employ a teacher to manage their young adult program directed at their youths between 16 and 18 years and oversee the transition house.


The program included lessons and workshops in the following topics:

  • Money Management

  • Communication Skills

  • Life Skills

  • Career Options

  • Health and Sex Education


The main goal of the program was to prepare the children to live on their own in the future and enable them to care for themselves by earning money through a job they like.

Successfully forged quality vocational work placements at the Soria Moria Hotel, producing confident, friendly and capable young adults who have gone on to be high achievers.
Provided a platform to learn about different career choices, now many of the students are in full time education, doing a job they love and providing for a family of their own.

To continue supporting Anjali House directl DONATE HERE

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Grace House Yoth Club 


Amount Awarded

Number of Beneficiaries
14 young adults per week

Main Aims
To provide a youth club on a Sunday evening to help raise self-esteem, teach good values, team building and help the young people become responsible adults while having fun.
The beneficiaries include young people who come from families on subsistence living and one or both parents with gambling/alcohol addiction issues. Many young adults work for the family or look after younger siblings so the few hours they are at youth club is a break from that responsibility.
To fund two projects
1. A Youth Club for 14+ year old students who attend Grace House Community Centre
2. A Football program for student 10 - 17 years
The youth club attendees have shown more confidence in their daily lives, often taking the lead in classroom activities.
There has been a marked improvement in communication skills and showing respect to each other.
They benefited from the physical activity of cycling up to 10 miles and swimming.

To continue supporting Grace House directly DONATE HERE

Harnessing Opportunities through Play and Education Reg. No:1124372
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